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Food & Drink

Food & Drink photography

Ireland produces some of the finest food products in the world, and Irish food production is a multi-billion euro industry.

When a consumer is making a split second decision on whether to buy a food product or not, a large part of that decision will be made on how they feel about the package they're looking at.

With 25 years experience, Mick Quinn is a photographer you can trust to give you images of your food products that will entice your consumers to purchase your offering.

Working from studio 14, mq
photo has a full, custom designed food styling kitchen, large fridge and freezer, and a range of props and backdrops to make images that sell your products.

mqphoto works with Ireland's top food stylists.

Mick Quinn shoots with a digital system that allows you to view your images as they come to life in real time.

You won't have to crouch over a small camera screen - you can see on a large apple monitor every bit of stunning detail.

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